6 Signs It’s Time To Get New Windows for Your El Paso Home

We all know that home repairs can cost an arm and a leg, and oftentimes, we allow minor problems to continue longer than they should or try DIY repairs that often leave us frustrated. When it comes to the windows on your El Paso home, there are some clear instances when installing new windows can help avoid an even bigger problem down the line. Let’s take a look at how Window Logic can help you decide when it’s time to install new windows on your El Paso, Texas home.

1. Windows are Visibly Damaged

While it may seem obvious that visibly damaged windows should be replaced with new windows, failing to replace damaged windows can lead to even bigger headaches down the line. Without the proper attention, damaged windows can lead to higher heating and cooling costs as well as the potential for more extensive damage caused by rain or other elements, which can lead to more costly repairs down the line. 

2. They’re More Than 15-20 Years Old

You may ask yourself, “Why would I need to replace my windows after 15 years if they seem to be working fine?” The answer to that question is that typical home windows have a lifespan of just 15-20 years, and even though there may be no visible signs of damage, the efficiency of home windows decreases after that time. Windows older than 15-20 years are subject to weakened or failing seals, resulting in cold drafts or water damage around the window frame.

3. You Notice Excessive Condensation

While condensation on the outside of windows can be a normal occurrence as the weather fluctuates, condensation on the inside of a window or between the panes can be a serious cause for concern. Normally, condensation between panes occurs when the airtight seal on a window has failed, and the best course of action is to swap out the old windows for new windows.

4. You Feel a Draft Around the Window

We’ve probably all dealt with a drafty window more than once throughout our lives, so you know how uncomfortable having a faulty window can be. In addition to making the temperature of a home uncomfortable, drafty windows that let in outside air can also make heating and cooling systems work overtime to try to keep up, resulting in lower energy efficiency and higher electric bills. Although applying temporary solutions such as weatherstripping may help, having new windows installed is the only foolproof way to prevent drafts.

5. You Want an Updated Look

While many homeowners consider replacing windows only once an issue is noted, not all new window installations have to be for functionality. Sometimes homeowners may just want a new and updated look to improve the look and feel of their home – they don’t call it home improvement for nothing!

6. You Want to Increase Energy Efficiency

If you’ve noticed higher than average electric bills over the past several months, your old windows may be to blame! When evaluating the energy efficiency of your home, installing new windows can help prolong the life of your HVAC system by offering options such as double and even triple-pane windows that provide the highest level of insulation, especially in areas where temperatures fluctuate regularly.

Window Replacement in El Paso

At Window Logic, we know that making the decision to follow through with major home improvement repairs can be stressful, but our team is here to help you make the best and most informed decision when it comes to installing new windows on your El Paso home. Contact us today for more information!